Food Analytics &
Over 50 years of experience as an independent,
privately run commercial laboratory
1. Food Analytics | 2. Legal Consulting | 3. Industrial Hygiene | 4. Environmental Analytics
Food is versatile – the questions
are complex
Is my product marketable?
How should the analytical results be interpreted?
Which analyses are recommended for my product?
Crisis situation – what comes next?
law an analytical questions.
Update on Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons (MOH)
Recently, the European Commission proposed amendments to European Contaminants Regulation 2023/915, aiming to establish maximum levels for MOAH. The intensively discussed maximum levels are expected to be based on the recommended limits of quantification of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF). The goal of setting limits for MOAH is to standardise the investigation and assessment of MOAH in food across the EU.
The team of Chemisches Institut Burkon is highly specialised in the analysis and legal assessment of MOSH/MOAH contaminants in food and raw products.
Contact our experts for further information and benefit from
State-of-the-art analysis of MOH in food
Fast sample processing times within up to 5 days without express surcharge
Detailed conformity assessment for your products
Continuous Update Service on latest legal developments
Training & Career
Professionals and qualified career changers
Chemical Institute Burkon employs laboratory chemists, biological technical assistants, chemical technical assistants, dairy laboratory assistants, chemists, chemical engineers, food chemists, analytical chemists, office assistants and many other qualified professionals. As a growing company, we are constantly looking for motivated applicants.