Food categories

Food categories

Our long-standing customer base ranges from regional producers and nationally operating food companies to EU-wide or internationally operating global players and market leaders. We cover the following areas for our customers from primary production to retail:

  • bread and bakery products, pastries, pasta
  • cereals, oilseeds, nut kernels, dried fruit, muesli
  • convenience/frozen products
  • herbs, spices, seasonings
  • oils, fats
  • fruit, vegetables, mushrooms
  • jams, fruit spreads, syrup, honey
  • confectionery, pudding, ice cream
  • meat, meat preparations, meat products
  • fish, fishery products
  • milk, dairy products, cheese
  • eggs
  • soy products
  • delicatessen products
  • canned food
  • tea, coffee, cocoa, beverages (juice, wine, beer), vinegar
  • special assortments (food supplements, over-the-counter medicines)
  • and much more.

If you have any further questions, don´t hesitate to contact us. Our experts look forward to assisting you.


Raudtener Straße 19
90475 Nürnberg

+49 (0) 911 83 50 48
+49 (0) 911 83 62 78

